Preparing the next generation of entrepreneurs

From developing the skills of young people who face uncertain employment prospects to catalysing local entrepreneurship, the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship enables people with opportunities to build meaningful livelihoods.

The ICC Centres of Entrepreneurship draw upon the business tools developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and its global partners. The Centres harnesses ICC’s network of national committees and chambers of commerce in over 100 countries to run capacity building programmes, trainings, and community workshops to address the challenges facing entrepreneurs and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). By bringing together thought leaders, businesses, and entrepreneurs, the Centres will establish a community of innovative professionals aimed at challenging convention and transforming the future of business.

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Each ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship will focus around four key tracks:

Track 1. Inspiring future entrepreneurs

  • We aspire for everyone– especially young people – to have the opportunity to become entrepreneurs. For this to happen, we need to provide them with the skills of the future.
  • The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship makes available programmes to equip people with the skills they need to become entrepreneurs and to succeed in an ever-changing world.

Educators, employers, and researchers recognise that people need skills and competencies beyond academic knowledge, like digital and soft skills, to succeed in the future.

  • The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship provides people with resources to become entrepreneurs and build their careers.

Track 2. Digitising SMEs

  • SMEs represent around 90% of all global businesses, yet many are still without the necessary tools and resources to participate in the digital economy. As part of ICC’s global campaign to digitise 5 million SMEs in Africa, the programmes offered by the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship provide SME leaders with the tools to digitise their operations and access new markets.
  • The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship works with government and multilateral organisations to advocate for the removal of barriers that prevent SMEs from succeeding both locally and abroad. The Centre will improve the business environment in developing markets and strengthen the capacity of SME leaders to face persisting challenges.
  • Backed by ICC’s global network of chambers of commerce, the Centre of Entrepreneurship provides SMEs with capacity-building programmes to address: (i) connectivity, (ii) market access, and (iii) digital transformation. The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship also host talks and seminars that will facilitate SMEs leaders to exchange experience and knowledge.

Track 3. Scaling-up start-ups

  • The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship works to enhance local start-up ecosystems by providing entrepreneurs with specialised training, mentoring and support services. These services will help entrepreneurs establish, fund, manage and expand their start- ups.
  • The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship’s ultimate goal is to promote upskilling by providing start-ups with the tools and resources to gain access to global markets. The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship will raise awareness about the potential opportunities for start-ups locally and abroad.

Track 4. Fostering inclusive entrepreneurship

  • Entrepreneurship provides social and economic opportunities for people everywhere by creating jobs in local communities. However, regulatory and cultural barriers prevent manypeople from becoming entrepreneurs, especially those with limited credit histories, youngpeople, women, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship leverages strategic partnerships to empower individuals and mobilise public-private solutions to overcome longstanding deterrents toentrepreneurship.
  • The practical tools, services and trainings offered by the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship complement ICC’s standard-setting reputation by and support the creation of businesseswith social and economic benefits for all of society.

The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship in Southern Europe

ICC is working with the Seville Chamber of Commerce and Industry to establish the first Centre of Entrepreneurship in Southern Europe. Hosted by the Seville Chamber of Commerce in their premises, the Centre of Entrepreneurship for Southern Europe will develop specific programmes for Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece, in an effort to connect local entrepreneurs with global and regional peers and mentors.

Other Spanish Chambers of Commerce have already expressed their interest in establishing hubs of the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship in their cities. This opens the possibility to create a national network, for Spanish entrepreneurs in different regions to connect via their local Chamber of Commerce. The distinctive advantages that the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship offers ar e:

  • Capillarity and proximity: the ICC network of Chambers of Commerce allows to establish a direct relationship with local economies.
  • Internationalisation: ICC connects local entrepreneurs with a global network of established companies, regional and global peers, helping them to scale up their businesses at the regional and international levels.
  • Distinguishing Spain as a regional hub for entrepreneurship and innovation. The Spanish Government could build on the experience of the ICC Centres of Entrepreneurship, to elaborate better regulatory responses.

The regional Centre for Southern Europe will have a special focus on young entrepreneurs, to foster and reward entrepreneurial culture in economic environments with higher youth unemployment.

Our local partner, the Seville Chamber of Commerce, has vast experience in designing and implementing programmes for entrepreneurs, both regionally and in international partnerships . It is this

expertise that favours Seville as the location for the ICC Centre of En trepreneurship in Southern Europe. Some notable examples of their active programmes and success stories are:

  • Ventanilla Única Empresarial (one-stop shop window for entrepreneurs), offering entrepreneurship assessment on business planning, financial support, and bureaucracy for more than 1,000 entrepreneurs every year. This service is coupled with a Digital Transition Office, which provides digital solutions for entrepreneurs from the initial stages of the business creation.
  • E-COOL – Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Mindset in Young People through the Dynamisation of Competences, Teaching Methodologies and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (closed in 2020). This successful experience constituted an exchange of experiences and policies, to improve the entrepreneurial spirit in the E.U. The activities took place in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
  • Camaratech: A digital Accelerator Programme, with the objective of accelerating technological startups in a 3-month period. The Chamber of Commerce of Seville offers additional visibility to the beneficiary start-ups, with the support of specialised mentors with experience in each sector.
  • INTECMED – Incubators for innovation and technological transfer in the Mediterranean. The programme develops actions to support researchers and entrepreneurs to launch spin-offs and technology advanced start-ups. It is enriched by the cooperation of Research and Business organisations from Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Tunisia.
  • Indupymes 4.0. – Digital Factory for Industrial SMEs. Development of services and a cross- border action plan between Research, Business and Public Administration organisations from Spain and Portugal to support the creation of companies specialised in industry 4.0 to support other industries with potential applicability of the industry 4.0 and digitalisation services.
  • EUROMOB TOOL European traineeships and mobility skills certification online tool (ERASMUS+ KA2). Enhancement the youth employability by building an online tool that identifies, measures and recognises the skills that learners acquire during their mobility programme in a European country, with the acknowledgement of companies and education institutions. The regions involved are Greece, Finland, France, Spain and Portugal
  • Business Incubator in Torneo. The Chamber of Commerce of Seville provides services to more than 20 entrepreneurs from different sectors in this multisectoral incubator. In addition to the accommodation and logistic services, the entrepreneurs receive mentoring and direct access to the rest of the business services provided by the Chamber of Commerce of Seville. The facilities also count with a coworking area.
  • Aerospace and Technology Transfer Business Incubator. The Chamber of Commerce of Seville provides services to more than 20 entrepreneurs from the Aerospace and related sectors in this specialised incubator located in the Aerospace Industrial Park AEROPOLIS. In addition to the accommodation and logistic services, the entrepreneurs receive mentoring and direct access to the rest of the business services provided by the Chamber of Commerce of Seville.
  • XPANDE and XPANDE Digital (Spanish ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020): a service for providing assessment to SMEs on their internationalisation process.

Please see Annex 1 for a complete list of the programmes implemented by the Seville Chamber of Commerce, classified according to the four strategic tracks of the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship.

Calendar and next steps

The launch of the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship in Seville is scheduled for the first quarter of 2022, hosted by the Seville Chamber in the premises of its Business School (please see Annex 2 for images of the installations).

The first Sevillian hub will serve as the focal point for other offices in Spain, following the initiative of other Chambers who have expressed their interest in the initiative (Madrid, Zaragoza), and which can take part in the governance of the hubs by integrating the Centre’s Advisory Board.

The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship hubs count with a Steering Committee formed by the co-leads of the Centre, and an Advisory Board including global, regional, and local partners. The activities of the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship are managed by a Regional Coordinator, appointed in accordance with the governance framework agreed upon by the strategic partners.

From ICC, we share the strategic objectives of the High Commissioner for Spain Entrepreneurial Nation. The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship will contribute to promoting talent and scaling up new initiatives, with Spain as the first hub for the Southern European region.

Annex 1: List of programmes of the Seville Chamber of Commerce

Track 1. Inspiring future entrepreneurs

  • VUE – Ventanilla Única Empresarial (One-stop shop window for entrepreneurs / Entrepreneurship Office). Service offering entrepreneurship assessment on business planning, financial support, and bureaucracy for more than 1,000 entrepreneurs every year.
  • E-COOL – Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Mindset in Young People through the Dynamisation of Competences, Teaching Methodologies and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Exchange of experiences and policy effectuation to improve the entrepreneuri al spirit in the EU. The activities are taking place in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
  • REINNOVATE – Practice based research to enhance the innovation capacity of SMEs through learning and ICT supported collaboration (ERASMUS+ KA2), promoting the intrapreneurship of staff by developing workplace research skills, becoming SMEs more competitive, more innovative, and developing a culture of entrepreneurship in SMEs. The regions involved were Ireland, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, and Romania.

Track 2. Digitising SMEs

  • Oficina de Transformación Digital (Digital Transition Office) – in combination with the Entrepreneurship Office, this service provides digital solutions for entrepreneurs from the initial stages of the business creation
  • Camaratech (Digital Coworking, ERDF 2014-2020) – programme based on a digital Accelerator of 3 months duration. It aims to accelerate technological startups. During this period, the Chamber of Commerce of Seville offers visibility to the beneficiary startups in addition to its acceleration process, with the support of specialised mentors with experience in each sector.
  • TIC NEGOCIOS (Spanish ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020): programme oriented to support SMEs in their digitalisation and technology modernisation. The services include mentoring and financial support.
  • CIBERSEGURIDAD (Spanish ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020): service for providing assessment and technology solutions for SMEs on cybersecurity. The service also provides financial support up to 4,000 € per company.
  • INTECMED – Incubators for innovation and technological transfer in the Mediterranean. Development of actions to support researchers and entrepreneurs to launch spin-offs and technology advanced start-ups. The project is enriched by a cooperation approach between Research and Business organisations from Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Tunisia.
  • BLUE CROWDFUNDING – Capacity Building of BLUE Economy Stakeholders to Effectively use CROWDFUNDING (INTERREG MED 2014- 2020). The project aims to improve innovation capacities in the blue growth sector by mainstreaming the use of crowdfunding.
  • Indupymes 4.0. – Digital Factory for Industrial SMEs (INTERREG POCTEP 2014-2020). Development of services and a cross- border action plan between Research, Business and Public Administration organisations from Spain and Portugal to support the creation of companies specialised in industry 4.0 to support other industries with potential applicability of the industry 4.0 and digitalisation services.
  • EUROMOB TOOL – European traineeships and mobility skills certification online tool (ERASMUS+ KA2). Enhancement the youth employability by building an online tool that identifies, measures, and recognises the skills that learners acquire during their mobility programme in a European country,

with the acknowledgement of companies and education institutions. The regions involved are Greece, Finland, France, Spain, and Portugal.

  • PROTEUS – Promoting security and safety by creating a MED cluster on Maritime Surveillance.
  • FOCOMAR – Enhancement of Maritime Trade among SMEs by strengthening the cooperation between ports and business. The project aims to promote maritime trade in SMEs by strengthening cooperation between ports and companies, improving business competitiveness through research and innovation, the implementation of advanced services and the promotion of maritime transport.

Track 3. Scaling-up start-ups

  • Business Incubator in Torneo. The Chamber of Commerce of Seville provides services to more than 20 entrepreneurs from different sectors in this multisectoral incubator. In addition to the accommodation and logistic services, the entrepreneurs receive mentoring and direct access to the rest of the business services provided by the Chamber of Commerce of Seville. The facilities also count with a coworking area.
  • Aerospace and Technology Transfer Business Incubator. The Chamber of Commerce of Seville provides services to more than 20 entrepreneurs from the Aerospace and related sectors in this specialised incubator located in the Aerospace Industrial Park AEROPOLIS. In addition to the accommodation and logistic services, the entrepreneurs receive mentoring and direct access to the rest of the business services provided by the Chamber of Commerce of Seville. The facilities also count with a coworking area.
  • XPANDE and XPANDE Digital (Spanish ERDF Operational Programme 2014-2020): service for providing assessment to SMEs on their internationalisation process. The service is provided to more than 20 SMEs every year and it includes financial support up to 9,000 € for promotional activities (trade fairs, missions, etc.) and monitoring of the internationalisation activity.
  • ARISTOILPLUS – “Not All Extra-Virgin Olive Oils are the same!”. Services developed in Greece, Italy, and Spain to increase the quality of olive oil and support SMEs and entrepreneurs to increase their incomes through the valorisation of quality olive oil and certification.
  • EU4Business: Connecting Chambers. Bio Organic Food and Tourism Sectorial Consortia (ENI). Promoting trade between EU member states and Eastern Partnership Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine).
  • Ibericc_Global. Developing strategies for the internationalization of cultural and creative industries in the cross-border territories of Spain and Portugal. The services for cultural and creative industries included trade missions, assessment, B2B, study visits.
  • – Mediterranean Diet – When Brand Meets Peoples. Aiming to promote the Mediterranean Diet and valorisation of MD products and innovative business models for the economic development of the Mediterranean Region. Portugal, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Albania, Cyprus, and Greece.
  • 4HELIX+ – Empowering the 4 helix of MED maritime clusters through an open source/knowledge sharing and community- based approach in favour of MED blue growth. The project aimed to support cooperation between blue economy companies and creative industries, in which creative industries intended to provide solutions for the blue economy companies. The services included specialised mentoring, financial support and free participation in business and matchmaking events.
  • CHEBEC – Hacking the Mediterranean economy through the Creative and Cultural sector. The services for cultural and creative industries included financial support, trade missions, assessment, B2B, study visits.
  • ODYSSEA BLUE HERITAGE. Development of a model of ecotourism capitalizing EU Good practices to valorize the economic potential and sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage of coastal, maritime and rural territories in the cross-border territories of Andalusia (Spain) and Algarve (Portugal).
  • Iblue – Investing in sustainable blue growth and competitiveness through the 3-Pillar Business Model. The project aims to contribute to the sustainable relaunch of the yachting sector by using a new methodology and by integrating the sustainable pillars (economic, environmental, and social) in the concept of business model innovation.
  • EXPORT FOOD SUDOE. Support to the creation of transnational export consortia in the agri-food sector. The services were addressed to small companies from France, Spain, and Portugal.
  • AERIS (INTERREG POCTEP 2014-2020). Integration and improvement of the competitiveness of the aerospace cluster in the cross-border region of Andalusia (Spain) and Alentejo (Portugal). The services included mentori ng, organisation and participation in business events, technology transfer actions, study visits and signature of strategic research cooperation projects.
  • 4H-CREAT (INTERREG MED 2014-2020). Quadruple helix-oriented project to stimulate innovation in the Cultural and Creative SMEs from the Atlantic territories Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, and UK.
  • ATLANTIC FOOD EXPORT – Business Cooperation to Increase Atlantic Food Products Exports (INTERREG ATLANTIC 2014-2020). Activities addressed to SMEs from Portugal, Spain, France, UK and Ireland.
  • SPEED-UP Supporting Practices for Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in the Development of Urban Policies. Enhance the development of strong entrepreneurship ecosystems. (Belgium, Italy, Germany, France, Estonia, Poland, Portugal, Spain).

Track 4. Fostering inclusive entrepreneurship

  • PAEM – Programme of Entrepreneurial Support to Women. Promotion of entrepreneurship and business creation launched by women, through information, assessment, bureaucracy processing for the creation of the company, support in the elaboration of the business plan, support in the search of financial resources, organisation of workshops and seminars for women.
  • ATHENA – Approaches To valorise the High ENtrepreneuriAl potential of migrant women to contribute to their social and economic integration (AMIF Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund 2014-2020). Promoting the economic and social integration of migrant women in the EU society by improving the services of entrepreneurship support oriented to migrant women and creating a specific entrepreneurial path for them. The project is developed by a multinational consortium from Belgium, Greece, Lithuania, German, Italy, and Spain.
  • SMART Volunteering for Female Migrants (AMIF 2014-2020). Multi-agency cooperation project, between civil society, business community and migrant women in five European countries, designed to promote better integration and active participation of Third Country National females in socio-economic life of European societies. Activities developed in Belgium, Cyprus, France, Italy, United Kingdom and Spain.

Annex 2: Premises for the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship hub in Seville.

Un edificio de fondo Descripción generada automáticamente

Image 1. Main building of the Seville Chamber’s Campus

Una persona sentado en una silla de oficina Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

Image 2. Media lab

Un grupo de personas sentadas frente a una mesa con una computadora Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja

Image 3. Computer lab

Un grupo de personas en una cocina Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

Image 4. Main hall


For more information, please contact:

Gabriel Petrus Deputy Director

ICC Global Partnerships and Development


T +33 (0)1 49 53 30 25

Pablo Morales

Coordinator for International Projects

Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Shipping of Seville


T +34 673 91 95 71

Catherine Foster

Lead, ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship

ICC Global Partnerships and Development


T +33 (0)1 49 53 30 10

María Merchán Rocamora Consultant, ICC


T +33 (0) 650 377 610

33-43 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, FranceT

+33 (0) 1 49 53 28 28 E @iccwbo

Texto Descripción generada automáticamente con confianza baja